Women‘ s Health Check Up / Cancer Screening
A “women’s health” check up in our office is aimed to detect precursors of, or the early onset of, preventable and treatable disease. The check up begins with a thorough review of your past medical and family history. As general measures, we will check weight, blood-pressure, urine and offer a take home colon cancer screening kit. Upon request, we can also offer all laboratory tests required for general medical screening or monitoring. As gynecological measures, a detailed pelvic exam will rule out uterine or ovarian abnormalities and cervical samples will be taken to register cellular changes and infectious diseases. Breast cancer screening completes the exam. (back to top)
Breast Cancer Screening
Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer amongst women in Germany. A healthy lifestyle entailing a healthy diet, little alcohol, no nicotine, regular exercise and breastfeeding will reduce your risk significantly. Medical progress has not found ways to prevent the disease, but we do have methods to alter its course decisively through timely detection and therapy. We will take your family history into consideration when determining your individual screening routine. Generally, a yearly clinical breast exam is recommended from age 30.From age 50, patients will be asked to participate in the state mammography screening program. Breast/doppler sonography can provide useful additional information, especially in differentiating palpable masses in all age groups. (back to top)
Contraceptive Counseling
One of the everyday challenges of gynecological practice is helping women find the ideal means to prevent unwanted pregnancies – without compromising the quality of life. When considering hormonal methods, it’s important to review past medical and family history for possible blood-clotting disorders which might increase the risk of thrombosis. No one solution fits all- thus I take time to advise each patient in detail about the alternatives that best suit her current situation, her health and her personal preference.
The following alternatives are available:
Hormonal methods (91-99% effective) :
– combined hormones (birth-control pill, patch or vaginal ring)
– progestin-only (p-only pill , implant or shot)
Barrier methods (chemical and physical – 71-88% effective)
– condoms
– spermicides
– diaphragm / cervical cap
Intrauterine devices (IUD) – copper or hormonal (95-99% effective)
Natural methods
– abstinence (100% effective)
– fertility awareness method (FAM) (76-88% effective)
– withdrawal (78% effective)
Surgical methods (99% effective)
– sterilization (vasectomy or tubal ligation)
Emergency Contraception
– morning-after pill (available in all German pharmacies without prescription!)
– emergency IUD placement
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Vaccination Counseling
Vaccinations and regular health check-ups are among the safest preventive measures to protect against life-threatening diseases.
In Germany, the STIKO (Standard Vaccination Commission) recommends standard vaccinations that will all be covered by your insurance. Ideally, you should have documents of past vaccinations that will allow us to review if booster or catch-up shots are necessary. I may also offer specific immunization to women suffering from chronic vaginal or urinary tract infections.
If you are planning to get pregnant,it makes sense to review if you have been adequately immunized to protect you from mumps, measles, rubella and chickenpox as well as tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio. (back to top)
Family planning / Pre-pregnancy Counseling
After years of careful birth-control practice, opening a “new chapter” of family planing can be exciting – and confusing. How much of what lies ahead really needs “planning?” I will give general advice on recommended nutrition, lifestyle, dietary supplements and offer to review your vaccination status. We will also discuss how quickly pregnancy should “normally” occur.
Studies have shown that the chance of pregnancy in healthy couples is 25% per cycle – the “fertile window” being 2-3 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. More than half of the couples actively “trying” will be pregnant after 6 months.
If pregnancy has not been achieved after one year of regular unprotected intercourse, medical issues need to be considered and ruled out. In older patients, it may make sense to seek infertility counseling earlier, so as not to lose valuable time. Some tests can be done in our office, others will be followed up by cooperating IVF specialist. (back to top)
TeenHealth Appointments
You’ve never been to see an OB/GYN? Our teen-visits are an open invitation to girls and young women who feel “too old” for the pediatrician but perhaps still “too young” for gynecological check-ups.
You may not want to come in for an exam – it’s fine just to stop by to get to know us and our office! Maybe you’re not really worried about anything in particular, but are curious to know when regular visits will become necessary? Or you’d like to find out more about the vaccination against cervical cancer? Of course, I’ll be happy to answer all of your questions on subjects such as menstrual pain, sexuality, vaccination, contraception, prevention of STDs, etc.
You’re welcome to bring along a friend or your mother. But we promise that – unless you tell us otherwise – whatever we discuss will be confidential! (back to top)